The month of May has proven to be a month of excursions. The first was April 30th – May 3rd where My friend Elizabeth and I drove to Cape Cod to meet up with friends Librada and Michelle. Oh what fun we had! We ate at a wonderful but slightly expensive restaurant on the first night. I can’t complain about the cost because the food was absolutely delicious! I thought I took photos, but apparently I did not since I can’t find them! The best place we found to eat was a little ice cream shop in Sandwich, MA called ‘The Ice Cream Sandwich.’ They made the ice cream right in the shop and had the most delightful flavors! My two favorites were Cranberry Bog and Lemon Mousse. It was so delightful and delicious that we went back there for lunch on Saturday!
The lobster rolls were pretty good too! 🙂
We also went to Plymouth on Friday where the views were fantastic and the gift shop rendered some fairly inexpensive mementos.
We did find one yarn shop and while the premise was fantastic (set in an old barn, behind which was a mill where yarn was dyed), the owner was a bit stand offish and Librada was not even allowed to use the facilities. What kind of rule is that? Hmmmmm. We also found out about a place where we could purchase some fiber and we even went there twice, the second time during the hours it was supposedly open but still was not. While we didn’t get to purchase any fiber, my friends spun a tale that could easily be made into the next Freddie Kruger movie! Was there really an axe in this wood pile? Was that horse really giving us the evil eye? Or maybe, just maybe, it was the tree! We also figured the bodies must have been buried under those stones —
The stuff nightmares are made of……
Librada and I found a veteran’s park that had a memorial to JFK and also a Korean War Veteran memorial. It was incredibly cold at 6:30 in the morning on Friday and almost as cold on Saturday when we brought Elizabeth and Michelle to see the beach there!
Yes, I did take a selfie of Elizabeth taking a selfie! 🙂 Brrrrrrr It was cold!
We had so much fun and did more than what is in this post, but as usual, I have loaded way too many photos into just one posting! It’s a good thing that most people have high speed internet these days!
…. Trip number two and a wedding in the next post!