I never, ever follow through on New Year’s Resolutions. Therefore, I’m not going to make any! I do, however, have some goals for the new year. First of all, I really must make at least one post here per month. I know, that is not a lot. With my track record, I want to make it at least seem to be achievable!
I have pulled 17 skeins of sock yarn out of my (ever exploding out of it’s containment) stash. It is more than likely that I will not get all 17 pair of socks knit, but I can certainly try. I will be perfectly happy to achieve 12 pair. There will be other knitting projects along the way. I would also like to delve deep into my UFOs and complete at least two projects from those this year. Of course, everyone knows I have serious case of startitis. I seriously doubt that will ever go away, so, even if I do manage to complete two UFOs, I will likely end up with even more by year’s end.
Spinning? Seriously? What the heck is that? I did manage to do some drop spindle spinning this year, but just a smidge. My wheel hasn’t seen the light of day. Perhaps this year I could pull it out from behind the dining room table and spin — at least a pound of fiber!
I will finish the 2nd ever weaving project of my life. Yuppers, the one that has been on my loom for the better part of the past year. Oh, I was sooooooooo excited last Christmas when Michael bought me a stand for my rigid heddle loom. I did dress it and finish one project nearly immediately! The second one, however, remains securely on the loom awaiting my attention. Perhaps I can get that project finished sooner rather than later.
Last year I took several photography classes and really learned a lot. This year I must do a much better job at putting that knowledge to the test and get out there, anywhere, with my camera for some serious shooting! I must get enough quality photos each month to create next year’s photo calendar.
I have no idea what travel plans will greet me this year. I do know that we are seriously considering a trip to New Mexico and Idaho in the fall. These are going to take some serious planning and saving. I do want to get at least a weekend on the Atlantic Coast, but I have no idea when that will be, if even this year.
Say what????? Organizing????? I think my fingers just ran out of “ink” …