March brought us a few hints of spring and a lot more cold and snowy weather. This, I suppose, is nothing out of the ordinary for Rochester, NY. We were able to escape for a few days in the beginning of the month which was something exciting and extraordinary, if not also something a wee bit daunting. After all, how often do people load themselves in a little car and travel 2,170 miles through 10 states in a mere 6 days? Our little trip was more than worth the effort!
The first stop of our trip was in Dalton, GA. There is something to be said for gaining built in family. Michael’s daughter, Kirsten is a wonderful young woman and she is to be married to a wonderful young man, Stephen. Along with a daughter and a son-in-law come three awesome grandsons, Roman, Eban and Blaine. We didn’t get to spend much time with the older two boys, but we did get to spend loads of time with little Blaine. I have to say, Michael got in the most baby time and you could definitely tell what a proud peepaw he yes. Yes he was dubbed “peepaw” and I love it!
Next on our journey was Goldsboro, North Carolina to visit my youngest two sons as well as to meet their fiance’s and in Brandon’s case two additional very special soon to be grandchildren. We had a great time our first night with Kevin and Laura and were able to spend some time with Kevin again on Tuesday. Tuesday evening was a delightful evening spent with Brandon, Angela and Mina. Hopefully next time we will get to meet Lili too! 🙂
Yes, the time spent in the car was more than worth our visit with our children and their intended and grandchildren! I hope we get to go again soon and I hope they can all come visit us as well at some point in the near future. We love them all!
Ok — now for the socks.. Yes – more socks! Always!

It’s great to see you writing.