Weekends tend to go by in a blur for me. There simply are not enough hours in the day or days in the weekend to get done all that I would like to get done. This weekend, however, seems somewhat different. Perhaps it is because I’ve dragged my sorry behind out of bed between 4:00 and 4:30 am on both days? I have to admit, that extra 3-5 hours did surely make a difference. (Yes, I usually sleep in way too long on the weekends!) The floors were all swept, the dishes all done, and the second load of laundry was in the dryer before noon on Saturday! That really took a lot of pressure off! I even was able to sort through and remove miscellaneous clutter from here and there. There is still plenty to be done, but by noon on Saturday, I was feeling fairly accomplished. Having completed more before noon on Saturday than I typically do in an entire weekend, I’m feeling rather entitled to today’s seemingly lazy pace. I’m feeling as if a nap is in order and for a time this morning, I couldn’t understand why I was feeling so tired. Of course, I realize that I’ve been up way earlier than what is even normal on week days and have not compensated by getting to bed any earlier. I really must remember that I am not as young as once I was and sleep is really and rightfully highly rated!
The extra time has also afforded me additional time for knitting more — you … you guessed it .. socks! April’s sock pattern is blessedly easy to remember and therefore blessedly easy to knit! It’s called “The Edisonade” and as with all the Knit From Stash 2015 KAL patterns, it is by Heatherly Walker (YarnYenta).
At the same time, I’m knitting up a pair of plain vanilla, toe up socks for Sandy Long of Longmeadow Farm. This yarn is her first attempt at self-striping and I am loving the narrow stripes. I am not loving the plain vanilla pattern! I should have known it would be difficult for me to knit as I know how quickly my attention flits from one thing to the next. My knitting ADHD is what drives me to knit lace after all! Lace is more complicated and ever changing. It’s always exciting to see what the next part of the pattern is going to look like in the chosen yarn. I digress. I’m also not sure I like the heel in this toe-up pattern either. That isn’t saying much though as I have yet to find an easy heel for toe up socks that I do like. I will keep looking!
I have to say, I’m getting over the sock thing this month. I would love to finish both these pair this week and knit on nothing but shawls for the rest of the month — or even baby things!