My friend Sandy and I have joined a 12 month sock KAL for 2015. We met a couple of weeks ago at Dairy Queen to bag up the yarns that we chose from our stash. People were looking at us like we were totally crazy, but we were having fun and really didn’t care!

And then the wait began for the release of the first pattern on December 31st. Once the pattern was released, I quickly went on the hunt for the magical brown bag marked “January.” Inside I found the most lovely skein of Lorna’s Laces Solemate in Meadow Wildflowers.
What is the pattern? Well, it’s called “The Hornet.” Admittedly, the pattern looks to be designed for solid yarns, which mine is not. This caused me some worry, but then I had to rethink. The idea of this KAL is to knit down your stash. (Yes, I do realize that it would likely take me at least 30 years of knitting one pair of socks each month to knit down my stash, but I’m not going to worry about that tiny detail!) It is also a mystery KAL of sorts in that you don’t know which skein of yarn is in the bag and you don’t get the pattern until the last day of the previous month. That being the case, I’m going to play along with the grand scheme of the KAL and, unless a yarn truly disagrees with a pattern, I will knit the yarn each month as marked and in the pattern for that month.