Photo post-processing on a #caturday

Finding a theme

When you’re not a writer and when you have too many hobbies to count, it becomes difficult to post on a blog with any consistency. First, you have to have something to post about.  Then you have to make the time to write the content and find appropriate photos.  Well, thanks to Georgia always posting #caturday photos on her FaceBook page, I have decided to start with making one #caturday post a week.  Afterall, I have two cats so it will always be an easy post!  Wrong!  The cats are no where to be found this morning!  Apparently, they do not wish to cooperate with my plan.  That’s ok, though, I have archives of many potential #catruday photos!  No one ever said that #caturday photos need to be current photos!

Sparky 2016

In the process of searching for an appropriate photo, I discovered some photos that I shot a couple of years ago and ended up playing around with them in my HDR software.  I am finding the results fun and interesting, though not particularly realistic.

Ontario Beach Park July 1, 2016

Harbor Town Belle – Genesee River June 25, 2016

So, this isn’t just a #caturday post afterall, but this is ok too.  I don’t have to make this blog about just one thing.  And now, I am off to shoot more photos with which to play with in all my post-processing software.

“All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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  1. Funny how what started as a caturday ended in you sharing some of your beautiful photos..

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